Wednesday, July 30, 2008

America is in your jeans.

She had sex in your city
Then neglected you for the coke hills of Colombia
She is America
She’s the conspiracy theories
The final Soprano series
And because she doesn’t understand what fear is
She’s in Iraq and Afghanistan
You know, all the places dark-skinned people are from
She’s in your favourite TV shows
And all the R&B songs you know
The books you’ve read
The movies you’ve sat through
‘Cause she understands you
She is America
She’s the cocktail in your hand
Your favourite punk rock band
She blinds you with her charms
So you’ll never take a stand
She is America
She’s in your X Box, Playstation and Nintendo Wii
She’s in all the Southern bodies that hung from trees
She’s bold and loud and proud
She is America
She’ll piss on your parade with her ticker tape and long black cars
For presidents, bullets
And your mind
She rules it
She’s America
You can taste her red and white lipstick on your tongue
You can see her stars in your dreams
So put on your tic tac sneaks
Cock your peak
Put your hands on your butt and feel her
She is America
And she’s in your jeans.

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